Rhiannon Mesler Rhiannon Mesler

The Grocery Store, Personal Assessments & Growth Mindset

At the heart of Growth Mindset is the understanding that anything is overcome-able. There’s nothing that we can’t get better at. There’s no “I’m just not good at that”. There’s always, “I’m just not good at that, yet.”

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Steven Mesler Steven Mesler

It's not about you, but it is about you

“I once talked to another principal who was very successful. She told me, ‘it isn’t about you, but it is about you. As a leader, your work is not about you — you have to focus on the people you’re there to lead and serve. But as a leader, you do set the tone. So in a way, your work IS about you’.”

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Reflections (and Research) on Hope

A few weeks ago I was reminded that the parts of life that we sometimes think aren’t measurable - you know, the “squishy” things - actually are measurable and are often the ones that matter the most.

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Rhiannon Mesler Rhiannon Mesler

Half the fun in life

For me, half the fun in life is being among different people, learning from them, debating with them, and expanding one’s own point of view out of it.

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Rhiannon Mesler Rhiannon Mesler

Part 1: The black leather chair, 3 principles of the athlete mindset

When I think of the words “athlete mindset” it might surprise you to know that I don’t immediately think of athletics.  I don’t picture the gym, or bobsled, or the track, or the podium. In fact, what comes to mind is a thick, black leather chair in a mental health counselor's office. 

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Steven Mesler Steven Mesler

A Chance to Pivot

So I decided: Nope. Not anymore. I’m not doing it this year. I’m going to stop fixating on the stuff that pisses me off, and put my attention elsewhere. It was a “definition of insanity” moment for me.

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